The Green Vision at 2:

Moving Forward with its New Mission

Launched in June 2013 to fill the gap that the national and other mainstream private media have allowed in Cameroon, The Green Vision Newspaper has been able to keep its constituents informed of vital environmental issues in the country.

As we celebrate its second anniversary, we are also reshaping the newspaper’s mission to focus on core issues that affect the environment, biodiversity and climate change, not only in Cameroon but also in the Central African region. Its new mission will become, “Saving biodiversity hotspots, protected areas and fragile ecosystems”. It is, therefore, our wish at ERuDeF to continue focusing on hot key issues of biodiversity in Africa, endangered animal species such as elephants, gorillas and chimpanzees, and ecosystems that are seriously threatened such as the Lake Chad Basin, Mt. Bamboutos, etc.

Moving up to its second birthday has been a lot more challenging as we continue to focus on issues that the reading constituencies seem not to be interested in. While the paper makes a substantial shift from reporting political stories (what the reading public desires) to reporting environmental, conservation and sustainable development issues (of lesser interest to the reading constituents), we implore readers to dedicate some of their attention to the hot environmental issues we report.

Up to the age of two, we had primarily focused on ERuDeF field projects and conservation constituency. At two, The Green Vision will be covering the entire territory of Cameroon and even beyond. The paper will be making new inroads into elephant conservation and advocacy, marine and mangrove conservation, government and policy analysis and climate change. New partnerships through ERuDeF will be concretised in the East Region with TI-RD and AFABEN, North Region with ACODED, Littoral Region with AMCO and Northwest with CAMGEW. These partnerships will enable The Green Vision to cover hot, incisive and investigative stories in those regions of Cameroon. Our relation with WWF Cameroon, IUCN, WCS, UNDP, RAPAC, CIFOR and COMIFAC will be strengthened, rendering The Green Vision an effective agent and source of environmental information and advocacy.

OLYMPUS DIGITAL CAMERAThe Green Vision will continue to seek and engage the government in tackling emerging issues through her thematic ministries of MINFOF, MINEPDED, MINWATER, Ministry of Industrial and Technological Development and the Prime Minister’s office.

As The Green Vision turns two, we are happy to say that it has been able to reach over 1000 subscribers worldwide. It has also been successful in launching its online edition. It will, however, continue to remain a monthly edition. The following months will see the launching of one of its new products known as The Green Vision Magazine and The Green Vision Journal of Biodiversity.

As The Green Vision celebrates its second birthday, it wishes to thank all its supporters, subscribers and readers for their unflinching support. Among the core supporters of The Green Vision have been Man & Nature, Taiwan Conservation Division, Tusk Trust and the Ministry of Agriculture and Rural Development. At the team level, The Green Vision would not have been successful without the untiring efforts of Azore Opio, Regina Leke, Bertrand Shancho Ndimuh, Immaculate Mkong, Patience Toge, Edith Atoniche, Anu Paul and a host of other associates within and out of ERuDeF.

We all say, thank you.

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