Green Vision @ 3: Re-strategising to Salvage Cameroon’s Depleting Natural Resources

The Green Vision Newspaper (GV) is 3! It was launched in June 2013 to bridge the Green Journalism gap in Cameroon by using research tools and international models to provide timely news on the environment and how it affects our economy and human development.

The paper focuses on key themes including but not limited to water, energy, climate, forests, wetlands, wildlife, mangrove, marine, mountain and all other ecosystems in Cameroon. It shapes national discuss through its investigative reports on socioeconomic, and political issues that affect the environment, hence, enhancing government policy.

As we celebrate our 3rd anniversary, it is a moment to make retrospect on the path treaded so far and re-strategise to salvage the country’s depleting natural resources.

For the past three years, the paper has focused on ERuDeF projects, protected area, ecosystem restoration, climate change and sustainable development issues. Government policies and effects on the environment and human development has been given an amount of attention on the Green Vision Newspaper. We are proud to have many of our reports used as references in national and international discuss.

The paper can boast of contributing towards the fight against illegal wildlife trade, ensuring effective protected area management, ecosystem restoration, and the adoption of environmentally friendly actions by individuals, private, public and para-public institutions.

At three, the paper just like many of us in life, has had its own ups and downs. Most Cameroonians’ ‘souls pan’ for socioeconomic, political and sports stories. They are yet to be affectionate with environmental stories. Another challenge is acquiring adverts for the sustainability of the paper.

As the paper turns three, the editorial team has resolved to be even more committed in carrying out investigative reports in the field of biodiversity conservation, hotspots/protected area management, climate change, sustainable development, ecosystems restorations and government policies in these areas across the national territory. Human interest stories, discoveries and sports will also be captured for the edification of our readers.

In the months ahead, the paper will be going bilingual and will as well be extending to the Central Africa Sub-region. Intriguing results/recommendations from research publications in the sustainable development, conservation, protected area and natural resources management will be exploited as well. Articles and opinions in our areas of interest are also welcome.

GV can boast of a website, magazine, and social media sites with over 1500 national and international subscribers.

As the Green Vision celebrates its 3rd birthday, the teams wants to thank all her readers, subscribers, well wishers for their unflinching supports.

Special gratitude goes to our partners: Man & Nature, Tusk Trust, Fauna and Flora International, Waterloo Foundation, African Conservation Foundation and The Environment and Rural Development Foundation for their material and/or financial supports.

The relentless efforts of the Publisher, Louis Nkembi, and founding members/contributors like Azore Opio, Regina Leke, Bertrand Shancho Ndimuh, Anu Paul, Immaculate Mkong, Patience Toge, Princewill Aduma, Joyce Mbong, Yanick Fonki, Queen Achingale, Sidonice Ijang and Charles Tangie amongst others cannot go unrecognised.

We love you all and wish you the best in your ventures.